ASAPbio Microbiology Crowd
The ASAPbio Microbiology Crowd reviews preprints about microorganisms, fungi and microbiomes.
- Club leads
Corrado Nai, Aneth David, and Femi Arogundade
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Corrado Nai, Oluwaseun Adeolu Ogundijo, Gliday Yuka, Musa Ali, Teena Bajaj, Vaishnavi Nagesh, and 1 other author reviewed
Drug-induced differential culturability in diverse strains ofMycobacterium tuberculosis
- Infectious Diseases
- Epidemiology
- Surgery
- Review published
- Preprint server
Corrado Nai, Emmanuel Adamolekun, Oluwaseun Adeolu Ogundijo, Ahmad Bashiru Inuwa, Teena Bajaj, 1 other author, and Bajaj, Ruchika reviewed
Harbouring Starships: the accumulation of large horizontal gene transfers in domesticated and pathogenic fungi
- Cell Biology
- Plant Science
- Small Animals
- Review published
- Preprint server