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A Comprehensive App to Interpret and Visualize the Functional Analysis of KEGG Pathways and Gene Ontologies


This report explains how a comprehensive app designed for the interpretation and visualization of the functional analysis related to KEGG pathways and gene ontologies works, and gives researchers and specialists a tool to get detailed functional information about their data, specifically going deep into biological pathways and gene functions. By the use of a bunch of techniques and libraries, such as Shiny, htrr, dplyr, tibble, rvest or visNetwork, we have developed an application that provides a well-designed user-oriented interface with all the facilities to assess their data and start analyzing it directly from the scratch through a few steps. The software, as mentioned, allows an exhaustive exploration of KEGG pathways and Gene Ontologies, facilitating the analysis of complex biological processes. To achieve this, functions described in the scripts integrate data manipulation methods and web scraping techniques in order to extract the necessary information from online official databases, Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGGs) and QuickGo. Furthermore, those functions are computed by parallel processing, resulting in efficient petitions to the database servers and allowing the user to get quick results from a large dataset. A fundamental feature in the app is the capability, by the techniques explained above, to obtain ancestral information for KEGG pathways and gene ontologies, making easier to understand the hierarchy of those and how each of the samples in a dataset are classified through it; offering users a way to study the dataset in different levels of taxonomy directly from the raw data. Additionally, the ability to create interactive networks is implemented, with the aim of representing all the experimental data to be able to see the relationships between the groups and the ontologies, without disregarding the classification created, being the main tool to understand the meaning of the relations that will be seen around the system displayed. As a result of all these attributes, the software represents a key tool for the analyst involved in the study of KEGG pathways and Gene Ontologies, as providing an intuitive interface with advanced data processing techniques, allowing researchers to puzzle out the intricacy of the biological functions and obtain insights the relationships between genes or molecular components.

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