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Theory of Differences between Elements: Explanation of the Differences between Quantum Physics and the Theory of General Relativity


The Theory of differences between elements explains the reasons for the differences in physical concepts between different elements, such as quantum physics and the Theory of general relativity, being explained through observations. Thus, it is possible to conclude from the observations that the differences are motivated by the reactions between the elements, by the composition of the elements, and by the influence of the spaces that promote losses and gains of characteristics; therefore, there is no general similarity between quantum physics and the general Theory of relativity. The study aims to understand the elements and their physical concepts that make up the Universe.

You can write a PREreview of Theory of Differences between Elements: Explanation of the Differences between Quantum Physics and the Theory of General Relativity. A PREreview is a review of a preprint and can vary from a few sentences to a lengthy report, similar to a journal-organized peer-review report.

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