Roseline Dzekem Dine, Patience Sindayigaya, Nuhu Lawan Adamu, Tolulope Ogunniyi, and Dorcas Doree Nishimwe of the Review & Curate Network (RCN) reviewed The landscape of paediatric infectious disease exposure in a rural sub-Saharan Africa setting in Kilifi, Kenya: longitudinal serological analysis over two decades and priorities for future vaccine development Infectious DiseasesHealth Review published October 5, 2024 Preprint server medRxiv
Roseline Dzekem Dine, Patience Sindayigaya, Nuhu Lawan Adamu, and Shitondo Yahila of the Review & Curate Network (RCN) reviewed Stigma against Mental Illness and Mental Health: the role of Social Media Applied PsychologySocial Psychology Review published August 21, 2024 Preprint server SciELO Preprints